responsabile del procedimento e direttore tecnico Insula spa
ing. arch. Ivano Turlon
progetto definitivo e direzione dei lavori
ing. Rudj Maria Todaro
ing. Luisa Facchin
progetto esecutivo
Tecap studio srl e Innova Technology Solutions spa
consulenti della direzione lavori
prof. Vladimiro Achilli
geom. Giuseppe Zambon
collaudo tecnico in corso d’opera
prof. Giorgio Vassena
collaudo amministrativo
ing. Paolo Canestrelli
impresa esecutrice
ATI Tecap studio srl e Innova Technology Solutions spa
rilievo rete topografica
Tecap studio srl
rilievo laser scanner
Innova Technology Solutions spa

He was the responsible project manager for the design and development of Ramses |

he was responsible for the preliminary and final design of RAMSES, and was the project manager during the implementation phase. |

She planned and coordinated the activities of professionals, in order to support the technical direction during both design and execution of the survey, she was responsible of accounting script and assisted the performance of testing operations.

Has supported the construction manager in monitoring the proper execution of the survey, with particular attention to the realization of the levelling network and monumenting the network of benchmarks on buildings.
short curriculum

He worked to support the project management in monitoring and verifying the proper execution of the survey, with particular attention to the creation of the GPS network and the laser survey. |

Marco ha supportato la direzione lavori e contribuito alla progettazione preliminare del rilievo laser a scansione. |

Filippo has supported the construction manager in the working drawing phase with particular attention to the development of the GPS network. |

Thomas worked to support the project management during the final design phase with particular attention to the creation of the GPS network. |
Irene ha lavorato allo studio di fattibilità del progetto RAMSES. |

He directed technical testing during the operative phase

he directed the administrative inspection.
curriculum |
He was the delegate for the ATI Tecap-Innova as Project Manager. And as project manager for Innova Technology Solutions, he was responsible for the laser-scanner survey campaign, and for the post-processing, directing all the phases and issues in the reverse engineering operations. He was responsible for rendering the mapping of the underground utilities, and for the survey and rendering of the Bridges involved in the commission. |

Responsible for all the topographical field operations for TECAP Studio s.r.l., he designed the GPS network, the reference grid, the Densification and Precision Leveling networks; he was also responsible for the calculation of compensation for the 16 blocks that make up the reference grid/densification network created with traditional tools for geo-referencing the cloud of laser-scanner control points. |

She was the coordinator of the laser-scanner surveying campaign, and of the post-processing phase for Innova Technology Solutions. She was responsible for rendering the mapping of the underground utilities, and for the survey work and rendering of the Bridges involved in the commission. She was the assistant site manager. |

Technical Director and Production Manager for all the activities of TECAP Studio s.r.l. For the RAMSES project, he collaborated in the development of the Project for the Networks, Polygons and Leveling, coordinated the Survey and Calculation work, collaborated in the execution of the Topographical Calculation. He was responsible for the Project Technical Report and the Final Technical Report. |

has collaborated with TECAP Studio s.r.l in the realization of the topographic survey of the city of Venice, surveying the targets used for laser-scanning, high-precision leveling and the elaboration of the campaign data. |

has collaborated with TECAP Studio srl in the realization of the topographic survey of the city of Venice, surveying the targets used for the laser-scanning and high-precision leveling. |

Has monumented and monographed most of the primary and secondary plan networks; in addition, with the TRIMBLE 3601 DR total station he has surveyed part of these networks, and completed some inspection surveys. |

has collaborated with TECAP Studio srl in the realization of the topographic survey of the city of Venice, surveying the targets used for the laser-scanning and high-precision leveling. |

has monumented and monographed most of the primary and secondary plan networks, and has surveyed some of them with the total station TRIMBLE 3601DR. |

With the rest of the technical staff, he worked on the topographic survey of part of the plan reference grid. |

has collaborated with TECAP Studio srl in the realization of the topographic survey of the city of Venice, surveying the targets used for laser-scanning. |

With the technical staff, he worked on the topographical survey of part of the plan reference grid. |

he followed the software development and the procedures for post-processing elaborations. |

followed all the software development and procedures for post-processing elaborations. |

Followed the software development and the procedures for post-processing elaborations. |

Followed the software development and the procedures for post-processing elaborations. |

He worked on the laser-scan survey on the field and on the post-processing elaborations. |

Followed the laser-scanner survey on the field and the post-production elaborations. |

Followed the laser-scanner survey on the field and the post-production elaborations. |

Andrea has supported the construction manager in monitoring the acquisition, elaboration, retrieval and control procedures of the laser scanning data.
He is a graduated technician working in the Surveying and Geomatics Laboratory (Faculty of Engineering, Università degli Studi di Padova).

Denis has supported the construction manager in monitoring the acquisition, elaboration, retrieval and control procedures of the laser scanning data.
He is a graduated technician working in the Surveying and Geomatics Laboratory (Faculty of Engineering, Università degli Studi di Padova).
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